Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kitchen Re-model. . .

And so it begins. . .I am pretty sure this is going to assist my sanctification!  While the cabinets are  not due to come in until early March, we went ahead and started tearing out the pantry section.  Nothing like sorting through boxes looking for dinner ingredients!

This is early afternoon. . .our friend who is helping said "let's take out the pantry!"  Yikes. . a quick pack-up ensued. ..

In process. . .

It really didn't take that long. . .but I was still vacuuming and mopping around 7pm when Paul arrived home!

The boys are busy pulling out nails.  We are saving what we can to use later (perhaps a clubhouse?). 
What made the chaos worth it today was the precious words of Jonathan who, while pulling nails, looked at me with a big grin, sparkling eyes and enthusiastic voice, "Mom, most kids just get to read about this stuff!"  I just grinned back, but thought to myself "most moms are smarter than yours and leave town when their kitchens are demolished!"

1 comment:

Robin said...

Making memories!! :-)