Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fall on the Farm

The past few weeks have brought beautiful weather with lots of fall projects.  Most include hauling leaves/branches and pruning, but the kids find ways to make it fun! 

 Cayla (Caleb) had a new batch of kitties.  All of them were tigers and we easily found home for these cuties. 
 Jael and Naomi have fun in the "burn pile."
 After hauling all the branches, the stick throwing competition begins!
 The boys and Paul spent a Saturday cutting and hauling firewood, too.  Hannah, Naomi, and Jael enjoy new play places.  Joey is eyeing the big stick!
 Oh, so cute!
 Bekah helps paddle the boat and crew around the lake, even with her broken foot!
I don't think we've introduced Poppet.  Paul found her out on the corner and felt badly for her.  We love calling "here, Poppet!" in a pirate accent.

1 comment:

Jennifer Anthony said...

Yay! Love seeing pictures of my Micu's again. That dog looks hillarious.