Monday, July 12, 2010

Farm life continues. . .

Such a cute shot of my little girlies up getting up in the morning and enjoying the dogs. . .beats Saturday morning cartoons any day!

Sarah was thrilled to find chicks had hatched! Such fun to be the discoverer of good stuff! Whose idea was it to have a rooster, anyway? I just want my eggs to eat. . .
The kids want to enter their chicks in the fair this fall. . .not sure how that all works and what we have yet (hens or roosters?). . .guess we'll find out!


Robin said...

I love your dogs! I just came to look at your blog because someone on Facebook today mentioned taking their kids to the waterpark. I totally had a flashback of a certain little someone who was very interested in my ATM card at Wild Water Adventures many summers ago ;-) hahaha

sassychicken said...

Those dogs have gotten really big!