Friday, September 10, 2010

Paying off....

Today I walked in the door (from being gone all morning) and the house was immaculate. . .I felt like I might cry. . then I wondered why I had underestimated my children's abilities for so long!  Paul had invited a household of out of towners to crash at the house today before a wedding and I knew I was testing students in the morning and asked the kids to really make the place look nice.  What a blessing to see Sarah come of age and step up to hostess and organize the clean-up.  Blessed!  Finally, I'm enjoying some sweet rewards. . .


Robin said...

Good job, Sarah! And good job you! :-) I was just thinking of you this morning as I tackled the dishes I had left from the day before (gross, I know...I hate when I do that!). I thought "There are only 2 of us and both my sinks are full. How on earth does Amy handle dishes with a family of 10?" Of course you have little hands to help... how do you keep dishes to a minimum?

Full Quiver Family said...

Paper plates!!!