Sunday, December 4, 2011

Don't you know how that happens?

Ever heard that question?  I really hope you have never said it!  It is one of the dumbest questions ever and the one most frequently asked when you inform people you are pregnant with a number higher than two!  Over the years I've tried different responses.  The silent smile, the impertinent "no, please tell me!", the spiritual response "yes, although I am unworthy, God is choosing to bless me again", the literal/medical "yes, my understanding is that you have a male and a female. . .", the play-it-dumb look "no, how?", and finally I have arrived at my latest response to a question which is so rude it really deserves none.  While I assume that those who ask it are not trying to be rude or stupid, no statements other than congratulations is really necessary. 

Don't you know how that happens?  Now I respond with "Yes, I do!  And I'm really surprised we only have nine!"  Marital sex and the fruit it produces is to be celebrated, not mocked.  :) 


Hannah said...

You sound hot, hot, hot!!!!!:o)

Hannah said...

That was me saying that..jenn

Robin said...

Seriously, people ask you that? :-(