Monday, March 4, 2013

March Monday Morning Surprise

This morning as we set out on our First Fruits walk, we opted out of the longer mile route in order to take the shorter backyard route. I'm not sure we saved time this morning! As we rounded the first bend and started by the bridge, we noticed there were no longer three billy goat gruffs living on the island - but 5! Yep, one of the mama goats had twins sometime late last night or early this morning (umbilical cords were still attached).

Mama goat watches in the background

Bek cuddling with one of the new twin boys

Joey doesn't smile much for the camera - but this morning he was all smiles

So was big brother Jon, who was excited to have a new baby to replace Tebow

Two makes it easier to share!
The name game began as we resumed our walk around the lake. We've already had Jacob and Esau (former dogs) and our new pup is Jake. Jael wanted Paul and Silas, because everyone else is a Bible name. Jon threw out a candy option - Mike n Ike. Sarah thought Phineas and Ferb (some kind of new cartoon show) might fit the pair. Paul encouraged them not to get too attached - they are meat goats. So, I thought we could name them Yum and Yum. Yum yum. Ok, maybe not.

Personally, I'm not crazy about goats in general. They eat the plants you don't want them to and can get out of any fence. However, they have remained trapped on the island and are doing a nice job eating the weeds down. And, I would like to see about milking the mama goat because I hear fresh goat's milk is delicious. Despite my lack of love for goats - baby goats are precious. I love babies and spring continues to be my favorite season partly for that reason. The farm fills up with baby kittens, chicks, ducks, gooslings, and some goats! 

Fearless Miriam was also not so crazy about the goats! :)

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