Wednesday, May 15, 2013


A few weeks ago, while hosting a family, Paul made an off-hand comment the jist being "you live by your convictions, but you can't make others live by your convictions." I've been mulling this over a lot. How many times are my frustrations the result of wanting others to live my convictions? Biblical truth can drive us in many ways, according to convictions, and be very opposite of each other while still embracing the same truths.

Conviction never replaces biblical truth, it acts on it. Our theology will drive it. Therefore, not all convictions by all people are equal. Persons may be equally passionate and convicted, but there are wrong convictions. If I believe that God is a loving God who exists to make me happy and my marriage no longer makes me happy - then my convictions can and will lead me to divorce. Wrong. Plug in any thing if your theology is one of personal happiness void of God and it will lead toward wrong convictions and wrong living. I, too, believe that God is a loving God who desires my happiness. However, it is not a happiness void of God, but one focused on Him as the only Source of all joy and pleasure. Desiring to know Him, and Him crucified, will drive our marriage, children, careers, money, retirement, and even our death.

Then we can live out our convictions with full joy without comparison or compromise.

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