Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Waiting. . . .

We continue to wait for the arrival of Daddy and the rest of the short-term Nonamestan Team (arriving over the next several days). At this point, we are in our last few hours! Yippee! It has been a wonderful 3+ weeks at home together, but we are all missing our Hero. The house seems quiet without Daddy's laughter and fun. No one plays like Daddy, although we've been blessed with MANY young people (and a few old :) ) hanging out our home and pool these past several weeks.

After Paul first left people would ask "how is it going alone?" and I would respond, "Alone? That would be easy! I've got seven under eleven, twenty-four/seven!" However, I must admit that I have changed my mind. . .I think being alone would be much more difficult. I love the organized chaos and commotion that makes up our home. Although I do enjoy it better with my love!

My favorite quote of the week goes to Jonathan, age 7. While we were driving to Sarah's piano lessons, he made the profound statement "birthdays don't happen often - I've only had seven". Hmm. I told him that his great-grandpa was going to have his 93rd birthday soon to which he responded "lucky him."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good post. Always good for a laugh. By the way, it's great granddads 94th this year. Yes, he is "lucky."
