Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

I don't consider myself overly patriotic.  I am an American and I do pledge my allegience to our flag, honor those who serve for my freedoms, pay my taxes, and consider myself a law-abiding citizen.  However, I do not deck out my home and yard with flags on Flag Day or dress the family in red, white and blue every July 4th.  I do not think God is American, either.  I don't believe we are a Christian nation founded on Christian priniciples.  While many of our founders were Christian and that is evident, we are a country founded on religious freedom.

However, we do remember 9/11/01.  Only three of our eight children were alive then and they were too little to remember the events of that day.  We remember the horror and terror, the utter disbelief as we watched the events unfold.  As our children watched clips last night they were struck by the "realness" of the event.  Real children missing real parents.  So many lives changed forever.  So many crying out to God on that day. . .are they still? 

It doesn't take long to forget, just a generation or two.  My mother was only a few months old when Pearl Harbor was attacked.  The tragedy of that day is remembered vividly by only a few now.  Exodus begins by telling us "Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph..."  How the lives of the Israelites changed because one generation failed to tell the next of this great man. 

How much more should we be declaring God's works and Who He Is to the next generation?  When we remember Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the earthquakes in Japan. . .we remember it is our Sovereign King at work!  All things are ordained by His hand and He can be completely trusted.  He did not spare His own son, but sent Him from the glories of Heaven to take on flesh.  He became imminent.  He is with us.  Christ bore the wrath of God for the sins of His bride. 

Let us remember all events and tragedies in light of the cross.  Let us speak of them to the next generation, so they may tell their children's children of the glories of our King.

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