Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sanctity of Life, letting the unborn live!

Well, I worked during "journal time" on a post yesterday, only to lose it much later. Oh well. I ended up tweeting the jist of the article in a summmary of "Sanctity of Life Sunday. It's not just about being against abortion. Am I willing to adopt one whose mother chose life?"

I'm thankful for the pastors across America who preached on the sanctity of life this past weekend. However, I recognize that the danger comes in leaving my comfortable pew merely thankful for God's men proclaiming the truth regarding the preciousness of life. Abortion is not something I'm at risk of doing, so it's easy to nod my head in agreement against such atrocities. What am I willing to risk to demonstrate that life is sacred?

Many Christians who condemn abortion also condemn life by their choices and decisions. They do not have a heart willing to adopt those in need. They are more concerned with their own comforts and wealth than considering God's desire for godly offspring.

May God grant us willing hearts to adopt, help others to adopt, and to raise up families for His glory.

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