Tuesday, March 19, 2013

St Patrick's Day 2013

Flu or not, nothing was going to stop the St. Patrick's Day festivities! While we aren't Irish, we are in good company for dear St. Patrick wasn't either!

Why celebrate this holiday? It is a day to have fun and enjoy silly traditions and folklore, but more importantly it is an opportunity to teach Truth in an age that has forgotten the real meaning of St. Patrick's Day. Paul tweeted on Sunday, "Saw the World's largest 'Pub Crawl' in Charlotte, NC. Sad to think very few would know St. Patrick brought the Gospel to Ireland, not liquor." I find even many Christians have little knowledge behind the life of this godly servant. Want a good read? Pick up the VOM copy on St. Patrick.

For the Micu's, along with reading and remembering the life of Patrick who God called out of darkness into light, we always enjoy a special treat of Lucky Charms for breakfast.

Lunch or dinner always consists of the Irish favorite, Corned Beef and Cabbage! Everyone actually enjoys it once a year:).

And then there's the anticipated Leprechaun hunt. Every year the O'Micus receive a letter from Lucky Leprechaun taunting them with his secret stash of buried treasures. His letters and clues also send us on a hunt around the acres. We never quite catch the little guy or find his gold, but he is always kind and leaves some treats!

Taking turns reading the clues

Figuring out where to head next

Lucky left his treasure in the "hobbit house" Jon and Bek have been busy making

Cookies and a bag of gold candies make for a fun leprechaun hunt

This is the closest thing to a leprechaun we spotted! Not sure what he is doing. . .

1 comment:

Discover Ireland said...

Hi Amy,
Thank you for sharing your post and interest in the true quests of St. Patrick. It was great to see the kids able to enjoy some Irish traditions also. There are real Leprechaun hunts in Ireland, like this one in Carlingford http://goo.gl/M0QGX :). Carlingford town in Co Louth was awarded a Special Protection Area for Little People in 2010!