Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mondays. . .

Hannah and Naomi playing "Flower Girl" during dress-up time. Blog comments on that another time!Monday evenings have become "preschool night" around our home. As Paul departs with the "older four" to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), I am left with three bubbling little preschool girlies. Last night was special because I enjoyed a long (over 5 minutes, uninterrupted) phone call with my sister-in-love, Linny, whose hubby (my bro) is also off to BSF with the cousins. I was struck with hope during our conversation as I realized that God is growing me! I see my loathsome sin daily and while attempting to battle sin continually, grow discouraged in the fight. . .but I said something like "I'm just home with the youngest three." What in the world!! Seven to eight years ago I would have been frustrated and overwhelmed with just my three preschoolers. Oh, I remember those years. Funny, I've never left them! God continues to add to my portion and lot and "my boundaries have fallen in pleasant places." (Psalm 16 - thanks, Anna!) He is good!

1 comment:

Anna said...

It's Psalm 16. My personal favorite!

I like checking in on your blog - maybe one day we'll get to meet in real life!

-Anna (Jenn A.'s friend)