Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sarah's Splendid Supper

Sarah has an added privilege of providing the family with dinner once a month. She found her recipes, wrote out her grocery list, we shopped together and then she spent a good part of the day in the kitchen preparing her meal. She was quite surprised at how much time it took. . .
The family gathers for dinner and enjoys the "fruit" of Sarah's labor. She announced that next month we might be enjoying PB & J together! I think she has definitely gained more appreciation for what it takes to keep three meals a day coming to a family of nine! She did a terrific job and you can see her menu on the gadget bar.
Jael was actually clapping, but it looks like a cute "thumbs up." We all gave our "thumbs up" for a delicious meal. The best part - there were left-overs!

And, my favorite quote was spoken. As Bekah was in and about "testing" I commented on how she has quite a "sweet tooth." She replied with a laugh, "no Mom, all my teeth are sweet!" So true, with a cap to prove it!

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