Sunday, October 19, 2008

"My pretty. . ."

Naomi poses with a very special bead. This bright yellow beauty was shoved inside her nose! A couple of Saturdays ago I heard Hannah hysterically yelling "Naomi. . .bee!" So, racing to the laundry room I find Hannah, bright red and crying. She is just beside herself and as I attempt to calm her down, she keeps saying "Naomi, bee." I look down at Naomi who is sitting quietly with her finger up her nose and realize that Hannah is not the one hurt, but rather Naomi is the one with the situation. Looking at Naomi, she says "bee. nose." I looked in her nose and there was not a "bee" but I did catch a glimpse of a beautiful, yellow bead, as it moved up and down in the nostril. As Paul was out of town, I wondered if this was warranted an Urgent Care visit, with seven children. After checking with some professionals, it is important (due to inhalation) to remove this object sooner than later. Praying that God might not choose to sanctify me in this way at this time (yes, I am that shallow) we prayed for Him to remove it. Aahhchoo! Yes, with a violent sneeze the bead shot across the room after a time. I am truly thankful for even "small" prayers even though perhaps I did miss out on some refining, I grew in my gratitude.
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1 comment:

the drifter... said...

OH. MY. Goodness.
Praise God that He hears us and cares about all the little details of our lives!

It was really great talking to you, Amy. Thank you for always encouraging me.