Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Field Trips....

 Last week was super busy with three field trips!  I didn't really plan it initially that way, but was fooled into thinking that the fall weather was approaching.  It might be, but it hasn't made it yet.  While the zoo was a nice day, it did heat up.  We always seem to have some kind of story happen at the zoo (Grandma getting hit with flying poop, etc.).  This was no exception.  We were with our dear friends the Anthonys when their Hannah and our Jael got sprayed by the tiger.  It was pretty gross, but very unique!
 Naomi is reminded of our goats. . .who are still vacationing somewhere. . .  Later in the week we were scheduled to attend the Fair.  Always fun and educational.  But, super hot this year.  Here we are panning for gold.
 Just the place for my kids, digging and hunting for treasures!  Was nice to have Daddy with us on this trip.
 On Saturday, I had a student to test in the mountains so we headed up the hill and Paul took the kids to the children's museum.  We love that place.  It's a wonderful place of learning and dress-up combined!
 We thought Bekah was a bit "spacy" - ha.
 Josh enjoys man "dress up."
 Can you envision Hani as an ambulance driver!!  Hope it's not too much of an emergency, I just can't see her cutting people off and running lights!
Jael is REALLY into dress-up right now so this was the perfect spot for her to try on and try on and try on. . .you get the idea!

1 comment:

sassychicken said...

Unforgetable Tiger spray. My word verifcation is mating...tiger spray...hillarious.