Thursday, February 14, 2013

Marriage. . .True Love

Valentine's Day. People seem to either love it or hate it. From depictions of poor Charlie Brown not receiving any Valentines in elementary school, to the young woman miserable without a special admirer, to the older married woman disappointed that her husband didn't plan anything significant; Valentine's Day can hold a myriad of emotion having little to do with feelings of love. That is, if Valentine's Day is about you.

The church leader who in 469 AD declared February 14th as a day for Christians to honor and remember the courageous life of Valentinus could never have imagined what the day has become and how most celebrating today will never give a second thought to this man martyred for the Gospel. Priest Valentinus continued to marry couples after Emperor Claudius banned marriage. I don't think Valentinus gave his life because he felt that marriage was moral or traditional or that girls' hearts would break to give up their "wedding day dreams." No, Valentinus understood the sanctity of marriage and that it is a mere earthly picture pointing us to the true Gospel, God's love for his Bride.

In light of this holiday, I recommend using resources such as those provided by the Voice of the Martyrs.

What I especially enjoy about this series is the way the book ends - pointing us to those still in bonds today for the Gospel. We are so blessed with tools to teach the next generation that Valentine's Day is so much more that hearts, stuffed animals and candy. Around this earth there continues to be those martyred today for the Gospel. In America, we see that Valentine's Day without the Gospel has resulted in a generation that views marriage as optional. The Gospel is not optional. Marriage displays that Gospel to the unbelieving world. Those who scorn marriage, scorn Christ. Those who think marriage doesn't matter, fail to see the Gospel as relevant to their life here and now. Valentinus' death is worthy to teach to our children because God is worthy of all our devotion. Teaching the sanctity of marriage today is vital for the right understanding of the Gospel.

With that,  have a blessed Valentine's Day!

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