Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Oddly Encouraged. . .

Last Sunday, 10/13, the Fresno Bee ran an article on Fresno State quarterback, Derek Carr. It was a look at this man's life as he handles not only a football career, taking the Bulldogs into the Top 20, but as a full-time student, husband and new father. I enjoyed the article and was impressed by his maturity.

Why the big deal? Because taking on the responsibilities of husband and father is a mark of manhood. No, all men will not play out these roles, but will they be men marked by protection, provision and sacrifice? The world applauds boyhood with it's foolishness, frivolity, and fun. It scratches its head at a young man like Derek Carr. A star quarterback married with a child? Shouldn't this guy just be concentrating on football, freedom, and fun during these years? Yet the article affirms his leadership is heightened by the very institutions (marriage and family) that most boys flee from.

Sadly, as the world/culture goes so goes the church. The majority of parents I encounter have swallowed the lie, unintentionally perhaps. Their focus for their young person is to pursue self and prolong sacrifice. Have fun: achieve your educational goals and monetary desires and spend your time, money and loves on feeding your lusts. It's never worded like that, but it plays out like that. The young adult years are encouraged to be self-focused. It becomes a dichotomy where preparation for the future world of husband/father is sadly lacking. In fact, most of the "preparation" prepares them better for divorce, not marriage.

Recently one of our young adults wrote an article naively stirring up his campus. Be encouraged by those boys bursting into manhood and calling out their peers. I am.


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