Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Josh has adopted the saying "fail" for various situations. Usually when I'm telling a joke or being especially witty I'll hear him murmur "fail." No comment. It also conveys my thoughts regarding today's attempt to remove technology.

Monday went well, overall. We had a family fishing day planned, so much of the day was taken with an outing. By the time evening rolled by, we were pretty tired. There were a few reminders to get off the iMac or that we weren't checking on how our latest dragon was doing, etc. . . Tuesday also seemed to go fairly well, and a full schedule helped. The younger 7 are used to our daily routine and don't ask about iPads and computers unless they need to watch Mr. Demy or other school assignments. Sarah and Josh spend most of the day away at school, where technology is also under a tight lock and key. They were only home briefly before we headed to the church for a full evening.

Today was a different story. It seems every time I was walking by or turned around I caught Josh or Sarah near the computer or iphone trying to check instagram or text-free. The final straw was Bekah asking for two minutes to check on the status of something on a game. Bekah doesn't play video games! She had become a bargaining chip somehow.

Fail. In my weakness He is magnified. A worthy challenge producing good discussions and santification all around. We may have to extend the challenge another week. . .

Join us!

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