Saturday, April 6, 2013

Amy's Financial Thoughts

Having attended a marriage seminar last night with Paul, I was reminded of the conflict finances can bring to marriage. Here are a few thoughts, probably learned from my folks who really did a great job imparting finanicial responsibility and training. Financial issues WILL arise in marriage and in singleness. Here's my top 5.

1. Give generously and sacrificially to Christ's Bride, the church  and His work. It all belongs to Him.

2. Always put something in savings, even a dollar.

3. Spend less than you make.

4. Budget and save for big items.

5. Learn to live with less, you probably don't need it.

Talk about money with your kids. While much is learned by watching, understanding comes through teaching. Choices have to be made. Sacrificing small things brings big gains. Not buying a coffee a day will save you roughly $25 a week, or $1300 a year! Number 5, you probably don't need it:). Put that in the bank each week, invest it each year and you'll have your down payment on your home someday.

My rambling for today....

1 comment:

MandaJoy Photography said...

Love this post! I love all your posts, but I have been thinking about future finances lately, so I appreciate your advice!