Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"You should write a book"

I hear that phrase quite frequently after people realize I'm the mother of nine children. "You should write a book" coupled with "If you write a book, I'll buy it." It makes me wonder, what would I write? It seems everything that could be said, has been said and probably said better than I could ever try to say it! Yet, as a book fanatic I think of how many books I've read, am reading, and have sitting in a stack to be read. . .and yes, I still buy even more.

What would I say? Typically after discovering all the children around me are mine, the surprised person will exclaim "how do you do it?" And, often, something about how patient I must be - LOL. I respond with "by God's grace" but at times wonder if I should add "and LOTS of HARD WORK." There are no short cuts, my friend. I don't say that to scare or deter others from wanting a large family, but because I have learned the secret of hard work.

The feminist movement wants us to find our worth, satisfaction, fullfillment, and ultimately our joy outside of the home. It is an empty lie. Ultimately, true joy is found in the person of Christ and in the God-ordained roles He has called us to. Our culture wants us to think we'll be happier if we self-indulge or "give ourselves a break today." Again, empty lies. Who ever really feels better putting themselves first and glorying in their own achievements? We weren't designed that way. Our cravings can't be satisfied with less work, less effort, more "me time", etc. No, joy is found each moment of each day when God empowers me to die to self, pick up my cross and follow Him. For the smaller I am, and the greater He is - the more my joy abounds!

Not sure if that is a book many would want to read. . .

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